Friday 24 May 2013

Banoffee Pie - The Original Way!

One of Trevor's mini 'claims to fame' is that he was a chef at The Hungry Monk in Sussex back in the day (1972!!) when Ian Dowding created this now much loved dessert.

We make it at the café the same traditional way that Ian did, which is a pastry base (many supermarkets now create a biscuit base like a cheesecake) layered with toffee made from condensed milk (Dulce de leche) sliced bananas, whipped cream and a sprinkling of ground coffee.

You will need :
* A pre-made shortcrust pastry case OR
                                - 300g Plain flour, 150g slightly salted butter, 3-4tbsp cold water

* A jar of Dulce de leche OR
                               - A can of condensed milk

* 2/3 bananas

*300ml double cream

* Sprinkle of fresh ground coffee

How to make -

If you're making your own condensed milk toffee, which is really easy to do, but you will need to start the day before. Pop the can of condensed milk in a pan of simmering water for around 6 hours. Don't boil, just simmer for the day. When you open the can up the next day it'll have made the most amazing toffee!

To make your own pastry case -

* Sift the flour into a bowl
* Cut up the (room temperature) butter into small chunks
* Lightly rub the flour and butter together with your hands until it's completely blended 
* Add cold water until it's at a consistency that you can roll out
* Roll to around 2 cm thick and pop into a flan dish (8"-10") prick the bottom with a fork to blind bake
* Pop in the oven at gas 5 for around 20 mins

Layering up! -

*Start with your pastry base
*Layer with your dulce de leche/toffee
*Top with a layer of sliced bananas
*Smother on whipped cream
*Sprinkle coffee


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